Install help

Beth Leonard beth at
Thu Apr 28 04:48:27 EDT 2005

On Wed, Apr 27, 2005 at 10:55:12PM -0400, jeremy herda wrote:
> When I compile I get to an error message that says gnome-config cannot
> be found.  I tried running ./configure with multiple variable, but
> none of them worked.  I'm a linux newbie so I'm not too familiar with
> linux environment.  Please help.  Thanks.


It is very rare that you will actually want to compile gnucash yourself.
Most linux distributions have a package management system which
will give you the pre-compiled binary.  What distribution are you
using?  ie. debian, Red Hat, etc.

The FAQ is at:

You might want to check out section 8 on installation questions.

+                             Beth Leonard                          +
+       O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave              +
+       O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?        +

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