Generic Import Transaction Matcher empty

Rémi rboulle at
Sat Dec 31 04:46:58 EST 2005


I'am using gnucash 1.8.10 on a GNU/Linux debian system.
I have read a few post on the archives but I couldn't find a solution...
When I try to import an *.ofx file, the generic import transaction 
matcher is empty.

I think, I have a problem with libofx because, I have the following on a 
terminal :

fixedebian:~$ ofxdump 0974665K0371135765931791.ofx
LibOFX INFO: libofx_proc_file(): File format not specified, autodecting...
(Above message occured on Line 4294967295, Column 4294967295)
LibOFX INFO: libofx_proc_file(): Detected file format: OFX (Open 
Financial eXchange (OFX or QFX))
(Above message occured on Line 4294967295, Column 4294967295)
LibOFX ERROR: find_dtd():Unable to find the DTD named opensp.dcl
(Above message occured on Line 4294967295, Column 4294967295)
LibOFX ERROR: find_dtd():Unable to find the DTD named ofx160.dtd
(Above message occured on Line 4294967295, Column 4294967295)
LibOFX ERROR: ofx_proc_file(): FATAL: Missing DTD, aborting
(Above message occured on Line 4294967295, Column 4294967295)

I can find _exactly_ the same message when runing gnucash from a terminal.

It is amazing because I have the followings packages installed :
libofx (ofx160.dtd is here : /usr/share/libofx2c2a/dtd/ofx160.dtd)
and opensp.dcl is here : /usr/share/libofx/dtd/opensp.dcl

So gnucash and ofxdump can't find them ?

Gosh I haven't done my personnal banking for so long that I don't know 
if I can buy bottles of champagne and oysters for tonight ! ;-)
Thanks a lot for your help.
Have a nice new years eve (sorry for my english)

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