Noob - migration 1.8.8 -> 1.8.10, least risky path?

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 1 10:10:22 EST 2005

Just run "rpm -Uvh <list of gnucash packages>" and it will
upgrade your app.  No need to touch your data files or configuration
files; 1.8.10 will just read your 1.8.8 config and data just fine.
Indeed, upgrading the RPM wont touch your data/config.


Donna-n-Doug Finner <stonehusky at> writes:

> I've been using GnuCash for about a year (love it, sent $$ I love it
> so much - sincere thanks to the developer team responsible for this
> app!).
> I see that 1.8.10 is out and found an RPM package for Mandrake 10 but
> want to make sure I do this right (hate to kill my accounts for the
> sake of an upgrade).
> First - data safety:
> I can find no information about the best way to upgrade - backup vs
> export (and if it is an export, is there some file extension I should
> use - the export seems to use whatever filename you type in and adds
> no extension that I can find).  Restating the question - what file or
> files are most important AND easiest to use if a recovery is required?
> Second - the process:
> Will the 1.8.10 RPM automatically replace the 1.8.8 install or will I
> have two full installs, one with data (my 1.8.8) and one virgin
> install (the 1.8.10) that will need to be populated with my current
> data?  If the 1.8.10 is clean, what's the recommended method to pull
> my current data into the new install?
> Most apps I am comfortable just taking a chance on the install - if I
> break an audio app or Firefox, no biggie, just kill everything and
> start over.  I do NOT want to hose up my checking/savings data. 
> Moving from Quicken to GnuCash was a non-trivial task and I don't want
> to start over again.
> If I missed the 'how to', please just let me know the URL and I'll go
> get the info myself (teach me to fish...)
> Thanks in advance for the advice and pointers.
> Doug
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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