OFX Importer and Transaction Matcher

Berck E. Nash flyboy at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 10:08:20 EST 2005

Benoit Grégoire wrote:

> Unfortunately, on 2004-11-27  Christian changed this check to to a hard limit, 
> thus removing ANY transaction more than two week apart from consideration, no 
> matter how well it matches.  It's easy to understand, from what I heard, 
> checks are mostly extinct in Germany.  

Ah HAH!  This would explain why I've been having so many problems in the 
last few weeks when it seemed to be better behaved earlier.  (I haven't 
really paid any attention to when Debian might have upgraded to 
1.8.10...)  Going back to the old behavior would be wonderful.

I wish checks could be extinct here, there really is no excuse for them 
anymore.  Unfortunately, I often don't have a choice.

Thanks for the response!

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