Unable to retrieve quotes

James A. de Haseth jdehaseth at snappydsl.net
Sat Jan 1 12:21:03 EST 2005

On Fri, 2004-12-31 at 20:17, Sergei Gnezdov wrote:
> I am running:
> FreeBSD: 5.3
> GnuCash: 1.8.9
> I have a problem to load quotes automatically from GNU Cash.  Every time
> I click "Get Quotes" button I get the following error:
> 	Unable to retrieve quotes for these items: FUND:FDRXX.
I have a similar problem while running RedHat 9 and GnuCash 1.8.10.  I
can retrieve quotes on the command line with "dump-finance-quote" but I
cannot get it to work from gnucash.  Depending on which source I use for
the quotes I may get a response similar to yours, or I may get "There
was an unknown error while retrieving the price quotes."

>From the command line I can use "NYSE" as the source.  Why is that not
an option with gnucash?


Jim de Haseth

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