Options in source of quotes from web

David Hampton hampton at employees.org
Wed Jan 12 12:17:11 EST 2005

On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 08:49 +0530, Dr. C. K. Shayin wrote:
> I have installed finance::quote successfully. ThereafterI have been able to
> set the option 'Get online quotes.' However, when I went through the list of
> sources in the pop up menu against the same, I discovered that amfiiindia,
> which was the site I was looking for was not included. When I looked into
> the source code, it was listed.

What version of gnucash?  I just started up gnucash 1.8.9 and I see both
"AMFI India" and "India Mutual (AMFI, ...)" listed as price sources.


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