Accounting for saving money to pay credit card monthly

Bill Wisse wiswp at
Thu Jan 13 13:41:05 EST 2005

On Thursday 13 January 2005 06:49, Robert Uhl wrote:
> TC <tc at> writes:
> > Eventually, after much messing about, I realised that I was doing it
> > all wrong.  This is a budgeting problem, *not* a book-keeping one.
> > You CANNOT do what you're trying to do within the the overall ledgers
> > of Gnucash (or any other proper book keeping tool) and still have your
> > books be accurate.
> Not true; I've been using GnuCash to handle budgets for several years
> now.  What I do is make my budgets sub-accounts of my chequing and
> savings accounts (chequing, since that's where the majority of my money
> comes from, and savings because for long-term budgets it makes sense to
> earn better interest).  When I pay for an item, it's either via cheque
> or credit card.

I do that as well and it works great.
I have a number of subaccounts in my cheque account.
When I make a deposit say for $1000.00 I split this up in
one subaccount "Reserved for Import duty" ( end of the month I have to pay 
Import duty) ... $200.00. Cheque account $800.00.
the total will still show up as $1000.00 but I see that I can only spend  


Greetings from
/bill at 169 west , 19 south.  
Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are
transmission errors."

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