libofx handling of dividend income

David Reiser dbreiser at
Tue Jan 18 23:36:47 EST 2005

When I do an import of an ofx file from a brokerage account having a 
dividend payment transaction, the importer asks me to choose or create 
the income account associated with dividends from the given source. I 
specify an income account over in the income subtree, and the generic 
importer then gives me the bright yellow colored transaction asking for 
a balancing split of twice the dividend amount.

If I let libofx/gnucash create the unbalanced transaction, open the 
brokerage account register, open the split for the unbalanced 
transaction, cut the amount in the income split (left column) and paste 
the amount into the right column of the same split, things look right 
to me -- that is the balances of both the brokerage account and income 
account are correct and the transaction looks balanced in either 

Have I done something unseemly from an accounting perspective, or is 
the importer handling income incorrectly?

Is asking for a 'natural' balancing of dividend income on import a 
reasonable enhancement request?

Here is the relevant section of the ofx file:


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