segmentation fault

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Sat Jan 29 00:02:14 EST 2005

Mark Johnson <mrj001 at> writes:

> I just checked.  An expense piechart (alone) can be made to display 12 segments. 
> Gnucash did not crash.

Okay.  This is news to me.

>     Uh, this is wrong.  There's no reason you should have had to restore
>     >From backup...
> Why?  This seems to have solved the crash on open.  I may have left
> the multicolumn report open when I closed gnucash.  Does it reopen a
> report that was left open when gnucash was last closed?  If so, it
> would explain the crash on startup.  And if this fact is saved in
> the "books" file, it would explain why my restore from backup
> helped.

Wait, did you move your data file, or did you move the file
~/.gnucash/books/<your-data-file-path>?  Your report information is
stored in the latter; it is NOT stored in your data file.  And yes,
gnucash remembers which reports are open (on a per-data-file basis)
and re-opens and re-runs the reports on startup.

>         There is a new "multicolumn view" under Reports->Custom.  This, I 
>         presume, is my saved report.  It continues to crash gnucash.
>     Does it crash when you run the report?  Or when you load gnucash?
>     I'm still confused.
> It now crashes only when I run the report.  Prior to the restore from backup, it
> was crashing on load.

Probably because you had the report open when it you closed gnucash;
so it tried to rebuild the report.  Was anything interesting displayed
in the terminal when you start gnucash?

> I had moved the original data file to a temp directory.  Once I was satisfied that
> I had fixed the problem, I had planned to remove it.  It was only two transactions
> so no big deal.  I haven't removed it yet, though.

Just move it back.  Although gnucash remembers report configuration
based on the full filename.

> It does appear to be the log replay at fault.  The two transactions I had entered
> on that last run were the two causing this output.  These two were restored by the
> log replay. 
> At the suggestion of another poster, I editted the XML by hand and fixed the
> transactions.  Gnucash no longer outputs the warnings.  I checked and the
> transactions look OK.
> Mark


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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