Getting money for Gnucash development [was Re: Newbie migration issues]

Neil Williams linux at
Sun Jan 30 15:19:30 EST 2005

On Sunday 30 January 2005 7:43 pm, TC wrote:
> Besides, I'm an engineering professional so while I don't program much,
> I know what it takes to get a significant piece of engineering moving.

Planning and design!

> Having lots of people to answer questions and fix doc bugs, while
> useful, is barely going to scratch the surface.

Not true. You're missing a key stage: when queries pile up, developers fill 
the breach and spend less time writing code.

No extreme is good, developers need to stay in touch with users but users also 
need to help each other and not wait for developers to answer queries that 
they can answer themselves.

> What's required are 
> more man-hours hitting the code.

If the developers are tied up here answering questions that:
a) should be in the docs but aren't
b) are in the docs but are being misunderstood
that is a waste of developer time and the more other people join in to answer 
those queries and update the documentation, the more time the developers will 
have available to write and fix code.

We need documentation writers AND developers - as well as people to work the 
bug triage.

Basically, if you've got time, we can use it.


Neil Williams

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