Historical price quotes

Jon Hamkins hamkins at alumni.caltech.edu
Sat Jul 2 20:10:09 EDT 2005

I am interested in getting historical quotes.  I am getting current
quotes within gnucash using the Finance::Quote module, but it doesn't do
historical quotes.  I'm really hoping to avoid hand entry.

In 2002, David Hampton wrote on this list that Finance::QuoteHist was
being worked on by perl developers.  I see now that in the last couple
of weeks, v. 1.00 of Finance::QuoteHist has been released:


Looks promising!  Has anyone tried using Finance::QuoteHist within
gnucash?  Or from outside it?  I'm sure I could get the historical data
using a perl script that uses the Finance::QuoteHist module, but I don't
know enough about gnucash to know how to incorporate the data.  (A grep
of my gnucash data file doesn't seem to yield the prices I already have

Any ideas?


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