Please bear with the 2367345836th newcomer :)

Bill Wohler wohler at
Thu Jun 16 13:16:50 EDT 2005

Andrew Sackville-West <andrew at> writes:

> Bob Alexander wrote:

Hey Bob, welcome to Gnucash! If your ACPI on ThinkPad experience is
any indication, you will learn fast!

>> Scenario 1) When I travel I use my credit card. Some of the expenses
>> are personal and some are reimbursable from my company. My bank
>> account will get debited for the whole amount but later on my
>> company should make a bank transfer to my bank account to cover all
>> the expenses.
>> I want to be sure that I communicate ALL of the latter to my company
>> I want to be sure that my company sends money to my bank for the
>> same amount (just want to check for any errors).

I do what Andrew suggests. I also use Assets to handle money I owe or
that are due to me from friends, relatives, and roommates.

>> Scenario 2) When I have a medical expense I pay cash or with my
>> credit card. I want to be sure that I remember sending all of these
>> expenses to my insurance. I also want to be sure that my insurance
>> sends me the corresponding reimbursements (which are not equal to
>> the expense. For example some categories are reimbursed at 70%, some
>> at 50% and in any case there is a maximum annual expense ceiling for
>> all categories over which I will not be reimbursed at all).
> when you enter the transactions for medical expenses, you should
> probably split the transaction between an expense account for your
> portion and another asset account ("pending medical reimbursements" or
> some such) for the amounts to be reimbursed. then, as before, when you
> receive the reimbursement, the money comes from the asset to your
> checking account.

What I do here is to credit the Medical account with the expense from
the credit card liability account. When I get the reimbursement (as a
check, say), I enter the deposit in my Checking account and specify
the same Medical expense account which debits the Medical account and
thereby offsets the expense.

Bill Wohler <wohler at>  GnuPG ID:610BD9AD
Maintainer of FAQ and MH-E. Vote Libertarian!
If you're passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane.

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