"Moving" an entry between accounts

Roland Roberts roland at astrofoto.org
Sun Jun 19 22:27:37 EDT 2005

>>>>> "rg" == Richard Gilligan <gilligan at pobox.com> writes:

    rg> In her credit card account register do menu>split.  Then you can
    rg> select and change any of the accounts involved in the
    rg> transaction.

BTW, you can also use this as a shortcut for entering anything.  I am
sometimes too lazy to open all the different account windows and will
keep editing in the current window, but just change the account before
entering the transaction.  This makes it disappear from the current
account when entered, but since I can do all this via keystrokes w/o the
mouse, I'm a happy camper.

Also, if, like we are doing right now, you are transitioning from one
credit card to another, you can enter something in the old account which
has a memory of the last time you entered the same thing so it can
autocomplete, but then you change the account so it ends up in the new
credit card account.


                       PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD                             RL Enterprises
roland at rlenter.com                            6818 Madeline Court
roland at astrofoto.org                           Brooklyn, NY 11220

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