Failing automake when trying to build version from CVS

Neil Williams linux at
Sun Nov 13 03:26:26 EST 2005

On Sunday 13 November 2005 12:26 am, Derek Atkins wrote:
> > I've been struggeling a lot to get the autogen without errors...
> > I'm using Ubuntu 5.10..
> Sorry, I know nothing abot Ubuntu, so I can't help.

Debian-based, likely to be using gcc4 and likely to need to upgrade g-wrap to 
1.9 as described in the archives for this list under Debian.

You need:
guile-1.6      1.6.7-1.1 
guile-1.6-dev  1.6.7-1.1
guile-1.6-libs 1.6.7-1.1
guile-1.6-slib 1.6.7-1.1 
guile-common   1.4-26   
g-wrap                    1.9.6-3      
libgwrap-runtime0         1.9.6-3   
libgwrap-runtime0-dev     1.9.6-3 

It is *important* that g-wrap is 1.9.6-3 - release 2 has a bug that will 
cripple the gnucash build.

Make sure you *purge*  libgwrapguile-dev - a simple remove is insufficient.

Finally, these changes won't show in gnucash until you run make distclean and 
run ./ again.


Neil Williams

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