Can I change the 'Last Occurred' date for scheduled transactions

vivire vivire at
Tue Nov 15 23:53:51 EST 2005

I searched and browsed the last year's mail
archive and cannot find any reference to changing
the 'Last Occurred' date for scheduled

I am trying to enter a (sort of) complicated
transaction with variables and am tired of
retyping the whole transaction for each try (well,
I really haven't retyped it at all, seems like
there should be a better way).

Can I change the 'Last Occurred' date so I can
work with the transaction until it works the way I

While I am asking... How are the variable fields
ordered in the dialog for completing scheduled
transactions? Can I influence the order at all?

I have very happily been using GnuCash 1.8.8 for
nearly a year now.

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