Failing automake when trying to build version from CVS

Tor Harald Thorland linux at
Wed Nov 16 08:59:05 EST 2005

Hi again :-(

I was happy to early, i uninstalled the version since i forgot the /opt
option, and then run the autogen, configure, make & make install again,
this time with the


Now, when i try to execute gnucash i get the following: (I couldn't see any error during the install)

tortho at inspiron:~/SVN/gnucash$ /opt/gnucash-1.9/bin/gnucash 
/opt/gnucash-1.9/bin/gnucash: line 8: exec: gnucash: not found
tortho at inspiron:~/SVN/gnucash$


Derek Atkins wrote:

> Quoting Tor Harald Thorland <linux at>:
>> Derek Atkins wrote:
>>> Well, you need to provide it to configure, not autogen.  you /could/
>>> try "make uninstall" and the reconfigure, rebuild, and reinstall..
>>> -derek
>> Thanks, worked perfect.
>> I asume that the Translation Howto on the gnucash webpage is correct in
>> the part about the real translation, making language files &
>> uploading/sending the files?
>> (That it is only the CVS... that is changed)
> I /think/ so, but I dont know for sure.  You might want to subscribe to
> and ask on gnucash-devel.  Christian would know for sure, but I don't
> think he's subbed to this list.
>> THT
> -derek

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