F_Q is still broken [Was: Exchange rate dowload failing]

Stewart V. Wright svwright.lists at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 09:05:45 EST 2005

[Apologies for going OT here.]

G'day David,

* David Hampton <hampton-gnucash at rainbolthampton.net> [051115 21:30]:
> Yahoo changed the web page for currency quotes.  You should grab the
> latest (cvs) Finance::Quote sources from sourceforge.net.

You've been saying this for a while but it doesn't seem to work for
me...  (Yeah, I know I should file a bug report, but SF.net was
playing up last time I tried.)

All of the tests fail.

For the latest CVS (checked out this morning):

$ ln -s test t
$ perl Makefile.PL prefix=${HOME}/src/finance_quote/xxx
$ make && make test

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/aex................# Failed test 2 in t/aex.t at line 16
#  t/aex.t line 16 is: ok($quotes{"AAB 93-08 7.5","success"});
Use of uninitialized value in numeric gt (>) at t/aex.t line 17.
# Failed test 3 in t/aex.t at line 17
#  t/aex.t line 17 is: ok($quotes{"AAB 93-08 7.5","last"} > 0);
# Failed test 4 in t/aex.t at line 18
#  t/aex.t line 18 is: ok($quotes{"AAB 93-08 7.5","date"});
Use of uninitialized value in numeric gt (>) at t/aex.t line 19.
# Failed test 5 in t/aex.t at line 19


(I'm running a FC3 machine if that makes any difference.)

I'll send a message to finance-quote-devel as well to see if we can
resolve this.


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