Missing P&L report

Doctorcam cam at ellisonet.ca
Mon Nov 21 14:56:33 EST 2005

* Andrew Sackville-West (andrew at farwestbilliards.com) wrote the following:
> you have saved reports with the same names as the originals. this is 
> either a "known bug" or a "feature" depending on your perspective. you 
> must delete ~/.gnucash/saved-reports*
> when you save a report, you must change its name first...

I had a response from Maf about this, and made the necessary change:
wiping out the saved-reports file.  I inadvertently replied directly
to him.

Of course, I have the delightful task of re-generating about 20
reports. :-}



Cam Ellison  Ph.D.  R.Psych. #01417

Cam Ellison & Associates Ltd.
Management Psychology

RR 22    3446 Beach Avenue
Roberts Creek  BC  V0N 2W2

Phone: 604-885-4806
Fax:   604-885-4809

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