GnuCash wont build anymore (From SVN)

Tor Harald Thorland linux at
Mon Nov 21 18:05:06 EST 2005

Derek Atkins wrote:

> Quoting Tor Harald Thorland <linux at>:
>> I found the piece that made the trouble:
>> I edited the gnc-splash.c file, and then the make worked perfectly.
>> I'm not a programmer, and cant figure out anything else, except someone
>> instruct me to.
>> File BEFORE edit:
>> #ifdef GNUCASH_SVN
>>  ver_string = g_strdup_printf(_("Version: Gnucash-%s svn (r%d built
>> %s)")
>> #else
>>  ver_string = g_strdup_printf(_("Version: Gnucash-%s"), VERSION);
>> #endif
>> File AFTER edit:
>> #ifdef GNUCASH_SVN
>>  ver_string = g_strdup_printf(_("Version: Gnucash-%s svn (r built %s)")
>>                , VERSION, GNUCASH_BUILD_DATE);
>> #else
>>  ver_string = g_strdup_printf(_("Version: Gnucash-%s"), VERSION);
>> #endif
>> So, I removed the: GNUCASH_SVN_REV, and the corresponding %d
> You fixed the symptom but not the cause..  The cause, which you should
> still try to track down (because this patch will not go into SVN) is
> to figure out why the gnc-svninfo.h file isn't being generated
> properly.
> Figure /THAT/ out and then we can talk.

As I said, I'm NOT a programmer, but what should the version definition
look like?
The thing here is that my last build was befor the following thing was

You can see using 'svn log src/gnome-utils/gnc-splash.c' that that
file was changed on 2005-11-19 18:53:34 -0500.

Does this output look correct?

tortho at inspiron:~/SVN/gnucash$ svninfo=`svn info $$s |grep '^Revision:
'|sed 's/Revision: //'` ;
tortho at inspiron:~/SVN/gnucash$ echo "#define GNUCASH_SVN_REV $$svninfo"
#define GNUCASH_SVN_REV 17734svninfo
tortho at inspiron:~/SVN/gnucash$

Tor Harald

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