Reports - getting numeric value from commodity collector

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Sat Nov 26 00:24:45 EST 2005


Again, you probably want more than '100' in the denominator of the


PS: It's "scheme", not "schema".  ;)

PPS: Glad I could help.

Quoting Darryl Cousins <darryl at>:

> Hi,
> Aah! This works for me:
>   ;; calculate taxes
>   (set! mytaxes (gnc:numeric-mul num
>                 (gnc:double-to-gnc-numeric (* tax-rate 0.01) 100 
>                      100 GNC-DENOM-REDUCE))
>       ))
> Full code below.
> Thanks Derek for your help. Another schema-newbie makes his first steps.
> Best regards,
> Darryl Cousins
>    (if show-taxes?
>        (begin
>     ;; collect total profit - procedure taken from html-utilities.scm
>     (set! myprofit (gnc:accounts-get-comm-total-profit (filter 
> use-acct? accounts) my-get-balance))
>     (set! myprofit (gnc:sum-collector-commodity myprofit 
> report-currency exchange-fn))
>     ;; collect the numeric bit
>     (set! num (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount myprofit))
>     ;; check for zero or negative profit
>     (cond ((gnc:numeric-zero-p num)
>             (set! mytaxes (gnc:numeric-create 0 100)))
>           ((gnc:numeric-negative-p num)
>             (set! mytaxes (gnc:numeric-create 0 100)))
>           (else
>             ;; calculate taxes
>             (set! mytaxes (gnc:numeric-mul num
>                              (gnc:double-to-gnc-numeric (* tax-rate 
> 0.01) 100 GNC-RND-NEVER)
>                              100 GNC-DENOM-REDUCE))
>             ))
>     ;; reconstruct monetary for printing
>     (set! mytaxes (gnc:make-gnc-monetary report-currency mytaxes))
>     ;; tab it to the table
>     (gnc:html-acct-table-row-helper!
>       table tree-depth
>       1 (_ "Taxes Payable")
>       mytaxes
>       #f "primary-subheading" #t #f)
>      ))
>          ;; add the table
>          (gnc:html-document-add-object! doc table)

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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