Failure of "--add-price-quotes" option.

David Brock david at
Thu Sep 15 16:55:23 EDT 2005

Derek Atkins wrote:

>That's what I meant -- run it by hand from a "terminal" (aka shell).
>So it's not working for you, but if you run "gnucash <filename>" from
>the same terminal it starts up just fine?
Yes, whenever I run it, it's from a terminal shell.  (That's after 
seeing several answers on this list stating "you do run gnucash from a 
terminal, right?". Sound familiar?)  My startup script is 'xterm -sb -e 
gnucash' and since I always use the same datafile, it always opens with 
the datafile I last used- "Personal.dat" (see the example in the earlier 

Anyway, it starts fine with just 'gnucash' in a shell, but the 
--add-price-quotes option, it kicks this error, and doesn't write 
anything to the file.

Another thought.  This is from the man page:
       gnucash - personal finance manager

       gnucash [options] [ accounts.gnc ]

Is the referral to "accounts.gnc" just the data file that I use, as in 
my only gnucash file?  That's what I'm using here, but it's not a '.gnc' 
extension.  I beleive that the extension is meaningless, but I ask, just 
in case.  I'm not familiar with this naming scheme ("accounts.gnc") 
maybe I'm using the wrong filename after all?


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