
Matej Cepl mcepl at
Wed Dec 6 14:14:12 EST 2006

calmar scripst:
> Anyway, One day it will be there, and then I will know how to change it.

Come on! If you have fvwm2, then you should be smarter than not reading
people trying to answer you -- go couple of posts back and read the
command I have sent you to run, which is an equivalent of that menu
command (you need control-center package for it; if you have LFS then you
know where to find it).


--, Jabber: ceplma<at>
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
Microwave oven?  Whaddya mean, it's a microwave oven?  I've been
watching Channel 4 on the thing for two weeks.

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