GNUcash crashing when starting and trying to insert a recurring operation on another currency account...

Josh Sled jsled at
Sat Feb 18 10:57:38 EST 2006

On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 12:20 +0000, Ludovic Coumétou (aka Coume) wrote:
> Anyone having an idea on how to solve the problem, or at least to
> remove the recurring transaction creating the crashing, so I could
> keep using GNUcash?

- Start GnuCash with `--nofile`, maybe from the command-line.
- Edit > Preferences > Scheduled Transactions, turn off the "run at 
  startup" option; exit.
- Re-start GnuCash with the real data-file.
- Use the scheduled transaction editor to fix the template txn for
  the multi-currency SX.
- Re-enable the "run on startup" preference if you like, or manually 
  invoke the Since Last Run druid.

FWIW, this gets incrementally better in 2.0: gnucash still won't create
the multi-currency transaction, but it will complain instead of

...jsled - `a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}`

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