Cannot Build Successfully on Slackware-10.2

Rich Shepard rshepard at
Sun Jan 1 20:15:12 EST 2006

   I had been using gnucash-1.8.11 on Slackware-10.1 but let my transfer from
the paper check register slide. I upgraded to Slackware-10.2 and now gnucash
will not load and run. It was missing, but I fixed that with a
soft link. Then it couldn't find and I have been unable
to find a way to fix that.

   Next I tried to build gnucash-1.8.12, but ran into a bunch of gnome
dependencies. libgnomeprint won't build from the source tarball because of an
error in the code (trying to free already freed memory, apparently). Then I
discovered a reference to building gnucash-1.8.11 on Slackware-10.1, and
tried that route by grabbing the ORBit tarball and trying to build that.
Another make error. I've not seen this type of error before in the 8.5 years
I've used linux, and I hit it twice in a single afternoon.

   I'm stuck. Gnucash ran just fine on Slackware-8.0 through -10.1, but now it
won't fire up. Google turned up a reference to building gnucash for Slackware
that's supposed to be on the gnucash Web site but I could not find that. I
also could not access the wiki/FAQ: access denied.

   If anyone has suggestions on how to get gnucash running again, I'd really
appreciate reading them. It's been a long, unproductive afternoon.



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