Debit/Credit vs. Deposit/Withdraw in Edit->Preferences [was Applying Scheduled Payment Kills Program]

Beth Leonard beth at
Tue Jan 24 10:22:57 EST 2006

On Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 05:42:32AM -0600, Gregg Fowler wrote:
> To me they just sound opposite of what you are actually doing. I think I
> will change the setting.

That's what I did :-)  When I first told my accountant I was using
a freeware program to do our accounting, she was skeptical.  But
when I showed her how it worked, her reaction was somewhere along
the lines of "Oh Cool, they got it right."  She proceded to show
me the "T" equation of accounting and why it is the way it is.

The tutorial and concepts guide also tries to explain the "why"
if you really want to know.  If you just want to use the program
without needing to learn accounting, it's easier to change the

PS. If the tutorial and concepts guide doesn't come up when you
click on "help" it's most likely because you didn't install
the gnucash-docs package.  It's also located at:

+                             Beth Leonard                          +
+       O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave              +
+       O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?        +

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