Need help with accounting concept

Jim Lynch jimlynch1 at
Thu Jan 26 12:13:38 EST 2006

I have a small business (very small!) that I'm using gnucash to do the
accounting for.  I have a couple of expenses that I'm paying out of my
personal account that I want to charge off as a business expense, such as a
portion of my phone bill and cell bills.  I don't necessarily want to pay
myself for that expense, but I do want to show the charges in gnucash
somehow so the P&L and other reports will reflect actual business expenses.
Since this is a double entry system, I need some kind of an account
(liability?) to post the other half of the transaction to.  What's a
reasonable way to do that?  I know I'll have to have expense accounts set up
for phone and cell expenses, but the other side is what I don't understand
since there won't be any actual exchange of funds.

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