gnucash and Postgresql

Mark Johnson mrj001 at
Mon Jul 17 23:16:13 EDT 2006

Derek Atkins wrote:

>Huh?  "shown as still being in beta"???  And you believe everything
>you see on the Internet?  
Of course not.  For example, things described as "beta" might be more 
accurately described as "alpha".  Usually, things are exaggerated to 
look better than reality not worse.

>Their CVS commits list stopped working.
>If you actually LOOKED at their CVS tree you'd notice that there
>have been changes made as recently as six weeks ago (mid May?)
I had thought I had looked at it, but was unaware that the web-based CVS 
browsing was not working.

>So, I would say that yes, it's still supported, and I feel the
>"beta label" is just someone not going into SF to actually change
>it.  The fact that it's "0.8.x" is irrelevant.  QOF, which we
>depend on, is still 0.6!
Good.  You've addressed all the concerns I had.


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