Canadian GST PST

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 13 13:48:07 EST 2006

Brian Dolbec <brian_dolbec at> writes:

> On Mon, 2006-13-11 at 05:46 -0500, Brian Goodyear wrote:
>> Hi.  Thanks for responding.  I have set up 4 tax tables:
>> 6% GST collected linked to LIABILITIES:gst collected
>> 6% GST paid linked to LIABILITIES;gst paid
>> 7.5% PST collected linked to LIABILITIES: pst collected 
>> 7.5% PST paid llinked to LIABILITIES paid
>> However here in Quebec the PST is added to the subtotal of the ITEM +
>> GST.
>> I could setup a table with the combined amount but it looks like it
>> can only be linked to one account so it would have to be manipulated
>> afterwards. 
>> The same goes for customers/suppliers.  They can only be linked to one
>> account.
>> Am I missing something?
> I was just snooping around and apparently gnucash is lacking proper
> handling of multiple taxes.  I did figure out a workaround for
> invoicing, Bills entry is the same.

No, it handles multiple taxes just fine.. You just need to enter
them together into a single tax table.  So instead of setting up
FOUR tax tables, you would set up TWO:

  GST/PST Collected:

  6% GST -> L:GST:Collected
  7.5% PST -> L:PST:Collected

  GST/PST Paid:

  6% GST -> L:GST:Paid
  7.5% PST -> L:PST:Paid

Now, these numbers don't handle the fact that you have to pay tax on
tax.   I don't recall which tax get's taxed, but the way to handle that
is to increase the other tax to add the extra.  So, for example, let's
assume you have a $100 bill that get's the 6% GST ($6) and then the 7.5%
PST is on the $100 bill + $6 GST..  So 7.5% of $106 == $7.95.  E.g.,
you can accomplish this by setting the PST to 7.95% instead of 7.5%.

I'll note that 7.95 is also computed by taking PST * (1 + GST), e.g

  NewPST = 7.5 * (1 + 6%)


  NewPSG = 7.5 * (1 + 0.06) == 7.95 (%)

Voila, you've now got two tax tables that handle all your PST/GST.

> In the invoice enter each item, selecting taxable/GST, after all items
> are entered, add another item labeled PST Taxable, quantity 1, amount =
> the subtotal you see at the bottom, select the PST tax table.  Then
> enter another item to reverse the subtotal amount, not taxable.  All
> totals will be correct, Taxes will display on the invoice correctly.
> Only the annoyance of having to enter it manually with a partial
> reversal entry.
> That way it will track taxes properly.

Yeah, but this way is WAY more work than you need to do!

> You might want to submit a feature request to add multiple tax column
> options to the invoicing and bills editors, etc..

Nah, the tax tables already do it.

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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