budget totals?

Clint & Jennifer Herron hanclintonnyx at gmail.com
Sat Nov 25 00:30:26 EST 2006

It's my turn to ask a question about budgeting:

Having recently switched from gnucash 1.8, I'm not very familiar with
the budgeting features.

Is it possible to see a total of the money in the various budget
categories for a particular date?  Let's say I can expect to get paid
x amount this coming paycheck.  I am preparing a budget for that by
entering amounts in different categories, but I can't see a running
total to tell me how much money I have budgeted so far.  I think that
having that one feature would allow me to switch to using gnucash for
all my financial needs (I currently calculate my budget,
envelope-style, in a spreadsheet).



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