Add own currencies?

Daniel Kraft d at
Tue Sep 5 13:28:51 EDT 2006

David Hampton wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-09-04 at 21:13 +0000, Daniel Kraft wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I'm wondering if it is possible to add your own currencies to a 
>> gnucash-file (like it is possible for stocks/funds) - I'm using gnucash 
>> 2.0.1.
> Not without compiling the program yourself.

As I already built gnucash from source, I decided to simply hack the
source to include my currency - that's are the joy of OpenSource, aren't
they? ;)

However, am I really the only one who needs such a feature?  Of course
it is possible to transfer funds as you described, but that way I need
to enter the transaction *twice* - and that should be the responsibility
of a double-entry accounting system, shouldn't it?

Daniel Kraft

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