Fixed Income Type needed

John K. Taber jktaber at
Wed Apr 25 08:11:01 EDT 2007

I have several US Treasury notes held at Treasury Direct. I'm bothered
by its GnuCash Type being shown as "Stock". It isn't a stock. It is a
debt instrument.

GnuCash doesn't give me any control over "Type." In fact, GnuCash mostly
overlooks fixed income investing. If I click "Edit" for a note from the
Accounts window, there is a drop down list of types that for investments
is limited to "Stocks" and "Mutual Funds." 

Really, you guys, there are other things! Fixed income securities are an
important class of investment, and should not be overlooked. 


Please add "notes" "bonds" and "bills" to the table of types. 


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