Finance::Quote Not Detected Under Windows XP

Adam Rosi-Kessel adam at
Sun Aug 5 17:45:53 EDT 2007

Andreas Köhler wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 02.08.2007, 13:57 -0400 schrieb Adam Rosi-Kessel:
>> I'm running gnucash 2.2.0 under Windows XP. I have ActivePerl and all
>> the Finance::Quote modules installed (I actually have all the
>> necessary
>> modules builtd and istalled both under c:\perl for ActivePerl and
>> under
>> cygwin perl as well). gnc-fq-update runs with no errors. Yet, gnucash
>> reports that Finance::Quote is not properly installed. Any suggestions
>> how to troubleshoot?
> is c:\perl\bin in your PATH environment variable?
> Does install-fq-mods.bat (you should have a start menu item for it)
> help?

It ended up being an odd problem -- my cygwin perl was ahead of my 
Windows/ActivePerl in my PATH. By switching the order, Finance::Quote works.


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