GnuCash 2.2.0 under Windows (problems)

Josh Sled jsled at
Wed Aug 8 10:22:14 EDT 2007

Mike or Penny Novack <stepbystepfarm at> writes:
> UH --- This is not an install time problem. Perhaps I needed to make 
> that clearer?
> On any XP system being used properly, the "person" doing the install 
> will be an administrator. The user data area of the administrator will 
> be c\documents and settings\administrator'sID\

That's a good point.

> That's why I was asking whether the ampersand was a problem "anywhere in 
> the path" or just  "in this directory"  (the name of the directory where 
> the GnuCash initial config routines are placing the .gconf directory).

Looking through
I'd have to guess that the "source_address" is the entire path to the
particular backend.  Thus, I'd guess that it's a problem anywhere in the
path, but I'm not very familiar with gconf's sources.

> Which if true, would be unfortunate. For example, had MS chosen to use 
> "Douments & Settings" instead of "Documents and Settings"

If that was the case, it might have been found and fixed already, though, as
everyone with any GNOME app on Windows would have encountered it. :)

> month) -- and I would LIKE if now that I use GnuCash to simply be able 
> to add ONE additional directory to that list rather than five 
> directories plus one file. I would be making a separate backup of just 

As we've discussed on -devel, GnuCash itself only adds one directory.  The
libraries that GnuCash uses – the GNOME Desktop – add the others.  Of course,
From the perspective of someone only using GnuCash, it appears as you say.

...jsled - a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}
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