Invoicing/billing in foreign currency.

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 13 12:55:10 EDT 2007

Wouter van Marle <wouter at> writes:

> Hi list,
> These days  I started playing with GnuCash 2.0.5, and found a very
> serious problem (also found this in a 2.2.0 fc7 build; I'm running
> Mandriva, just upgraded to 2007.1 version which includes GC 2.0.5).
> When I post a bill in a foreign currency (Euro bill, my main currency is
> HKD), it doesn't correctly display the amount in the Accounts Payable
> account. This is a Euro denominated account by the way. All old bills
> are still there and are correct. The transaction is there, just the
> account is empty!

Yes, you cannot do this.

> This is a total show-stopper to me. And I can't downgrade to 1.8 anymore
> in this version of Mandriva due to obsolete gnome dependencies... that
> version at least worked.

1.8 did this, too.  The business features are not multi-currency.

> It's a complete show-stopper, this issue. NO idea what I'm doing wrong;
> I changed the default currency for the vendor already, and for the rest
> doing everything like I used to do in 1.8. Even unposting and reposting
> a bill results in the amount being empty!

What you're doing wrong is not using the same currency.  For every
currency you do business you need an A/R account, an Income Account,
and an Asset (Bank) account in that currency.  Then you need to set
the Customer to use that currency and make sure you choose the correct
Income and A/R accounts during the Invoice and the correct A/R and
Asset accounts during the Process Payment.

At this time gnucash does not enforce this, which is why you're seeing
the issue.

> Posting bills and payments in HKD (the default currency) works fine.
> That may be a workaround, but due to changing exchange rates that's also
> not very convenient.

See above.

> Wouter.

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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