how to search and replace transfer account

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Tue Aug 21 14:33:25 EDT 2007

>Ahh, this means you didn't go through the process of assigning
>accounts during the import process.  You should have done that,
>because it will save you lots of time later.
Julian -- did you make a backup of your books immediately before doing 
the import? If you did, you could revert to that, create the accounts 
ahead of the import process, and then do the import. That would likely 
entail a great deal less work than trying to fix the mess. Even if you 
didn't make a backup immediately before, carefully consider whether 
going back to whatever prior backup you do have and re-entering forward 
to just before the import might be less work than fixing.

For the rest of this --- I agree with Derek "in practice" even if not 
"in theory".


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