Unable to run GnuCash 2.2.1 on Windows -- Need assistance

Andreas Köhler andi5.py at gmx.net
Sat Aug 25 20:37:29 EDT 2007


Am Mittwoch, den 22.08.2007, 19:55 +0000 schrieb William C. Fellows:
> No (not having been aware that this was a req), but now I do. However
> although now I was able to run the "install online price retrieval" which
> seems to have worked (at least no errors were reported), GnuCash in running
> the setup for online banking wizard, it gives a not found error....

The online price retrieval is pretty unrelated to the online banking
wizard, but I guess you know that.

What "not found error" do you mean?

-- andi5
- the only one who still has not installed GnuCash 2.2.1 on Windows

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Derek Atkins [mailto:warlord at MIT.EDU] 
> Did you install ActivePerl?

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