anyone found a pocket pc program to sync with gnucash?

Alan Hartless harty83 at
Mon Aug 27 12:39:38 EDT 2007

> There's probably some preference setting in the conduit to make it
> create the qif. I can go back and dig through that if having the palm
> sync info makes any sense in the pocketPC realm.
> Dave

It would if the pocket pc version of the program you used fully worked with
wm5 but it doesn't.  I think I am going to give up though.  I've tried a
bunch of different ppc finance programs.  The big problem I'm running into
now is that the ppc programs does not check for duplicate transactions when
importing a qif file.  Since I can't tell the formentioned java program a
"date from" option for the transactions, everything gets duplicated each
time I import.  I could delete the ppc database and reimport each time, but
that takes a lot of work.  Oh well.  Maybe one day we'll have a ppc version
of gnucash or at least a program that can understand it's file structure.


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