Can't delete a transaction

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Tue Aug 28 07:10:42 EDT 2007

>This is still an issue.  Are there any suggestions at all?  Or should I just
>chuck gnucash for now?
Jason, we're not blowing you off. Just waiting to see if you will give 
us more useful information than "it doesn't work". Details about EXACTLY 
what you are doing when you are trying to delete a transaction (and it 
doesn't work). At the moment we haven't a clue which of the possible 
ways you could be trying to delete a transaction isn't working for you.

Understand? This can't be a case of "GnuCash can't delete transactions" 
because all of us who would be answering your question have at various 
times managed to delete transactions. At this point, I can't remember 
which of the ways I initially tried might not have done what I expected 
so can't imagine which of the "that looks reasonable but turns out not 
to be how you delete transactions" you might be fixated upon.


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