Can't delete a transaction

Jason Yamada-Hanff jasonyh at
Tue Aug 28 12:35:38 EDT 2007

Josh, the reset warnings dialog was the key.  Don't know how I missed that!
Still, it's strange that it's possible to have settings so that there is no
warning but also no change.

Michael and rest, I hadn't meant to seem indignant that no one was
responding.  I was just frustrated that this important program wasn't
bending to my will.  I give a lot of support myself, so I realize the
issues.  Understand, though, that I wasn't able to explain what was
happening more clearly than "I hit the delete button and it does nothing in
these various cases" because I am unfamiliar with the system.

Thanks so much all for the help and the great software.

On 8/28/07, Josh Sled <jsled at> wrote:
> "Jason Yamada-Hanff" <jasonyh at> writes:
> > It is true that I can't delete transactions that have been imported...
> but
> > that is true whether they are phantom or not and whether I restart
> GnuCash
> > or not.  But even transactions that I enter manually won't delete.  It's
> > like the delete transaction button is a dummy button when I have a
> > transaction selected.
> What register View mode are you in?
> Does the behavior change if you {Actions > Reset warnings...}?  Do you get
> the warning dialog?
> If you activate the button while selected a Split that corresponds to the
> register you're viewing, does it behave differently?
> If you Delete while the other Split is highlighted, does that work?
> Also, I wanted to confirm from
> <> that this is true for
> you
> with 2.2.0, as well?
> --
> ...jsled
> - a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}

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