simple expense report

Adrian Mariano adrian at
Thu Aug 30 09:30:17 EDT 2007

Derek Atkins wrote:
> Quoting Adrian Mariano <adrian at>:
>>> No, there's no report that does exactly what you want.  The Cash Flow
>>> is the closest thing.  If you set it to only be that one account it 
>>> should
>>> give you a net total, the "Difference".  This would be the number 
>>> you want.
>> I want a whole list of numbers, not just one number.  I want to be 
>> able to (for example) select several (or maybe all) expense accounts 
>> and get a list showing net flow into each selected account.
> Ahh, sounds like you want an Income Statement (which is the renamed
> Profit and Loss report)..
Yes, this is the type of report I was looking for.  Thanks. 

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