QIF Import and accounts

Georg Stapper georgstapper at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 17 14:27:06 EST 2007

If I remember correctly, OFX does not take care of categories. That is why I tried to use QIF. Or can I tell OFX files to consider account structures?

I tried already Big Red's QIF Fixer. There is also an a preogram called MT2OFX that can be used to convert all sorts of formats. But finally I would like to import my categories/accounts.


----- Original Message ----
From: Mike Alexander <mta at umich.edu>
To: Georg Stapper <georgstapper at yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, 17 December, 2007 8:28:28 PM
Subject: Re: QIF Import and accounts

--On December 16, 2007 11:20:29 PM -0800 Georg Stapper 
<georgstapper at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi there.
> my checking and savings accounts are with ABSA (ZAR), Barclays (GBP),
> and ING DIBA (EUR). So far I kept track of my accounts with Excel,
> but that's far from perfect and I thought it would take too much time
> to put it all together. I have spent so much time now trying to
> import my Excel data history into a software package that I could
> have continued with Excel for the rest of my life. My wife is
> freaking out already.
> So I am looking for a better option. Strangely enough only the South
> African bank allows to download the transaction data in different
> formats. The other two banks provide only CSV downloands for each
> account separately. My first attempt was MS Money 2007 with QIF files
> and a category and a sub-category, but MS Money does not even
> recognise the categories of its own QIF files. GNU Cash seems to be
> the better choice then.
> Instead of using just two categories I tried to set up the whole
> account structure using the category field and a colon as the account
> separator. This ended up in a mess. So, I decided to set up the
> account structure by hand. A simplified version looks like this:

You might want to take a look at 
I've never used it, and hadn't heard of it until a few minutes ago, but 
it sounds like it might help (assuming you're running on Windows).

Mike Alexander          mta at umich.edu
Ann Arbor, MI            PGP key ID: BEA343A6

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