Accounting best practice question

Eric Ladner eric.ladner at
Fri Feb 2 10:47:51 EST 2007

On 2/2/07, Jeffrey Bridge <jeffrey at> wrote:
> ---
> Liabilities:Credit Card -> credit $40
> Assets:Accounts Receivable:Day Care Lady -> debit $40
> ---
> then if I got paid back by check which I deposited at my bank:
> ---
> Assets:Accounts Receivable:Day Care Lady -> credit $40
> Assets:Checking Account -> debit $40
> ---

Hmm.. I guess I was trying to do it in one step without all the extra
accounts, something like this..

Liabilities:Credit Card -> credit $40
Assets:Computer Hardware-> debit $40

Then inside the Computer Hardware account,

Money From the Ether: -> credit $40  (to zero out the 40 debit from above)

I guess the problem is the 40 bucks comes in in the form of cash and
never actually goes through an account.  It just goes directly into my
pocket and I don't really track the "Cash in Pocket" stuff.

Thanks for the info, though.  I'll scratch my head about it.


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