Fund Sale, Capital Gain, Asset Valuation

David Brock david at
Wed Jan 10 23:40:11 EST 2007

I've been a gnucash user for years, and love it - Kudos to all those who
spend countless hours making it better.  I wish I could program better
so I could assist.  Maybe I'll take up scheme... or documentation...

I'm struggling trying to troubleshoot the "Capital Gains on Stock/Fund
Sale" situation, and, although I've been looking at it for hours, I
can't figure out what's happening here.  (I'm running 2.0.4 (build
r15298) on FreeBSD-6.2PRE)

I've tried to enter the transaction split manually to include the
manually-calculated gain, as well as using the Lot Viewer to "Scrub" the
transaction and automagically figure it out.  Interestingly, the
numbers, while close, are not the same.

The Balance Sheet dated 11 June balances.  The asset (a fund) contains
206.057 units valued at 13326.84 in total.

There are only two transactions in the General Ledger on 12 June, which
are the Management Fee for the fund (as a sale of 0.375 units), and the
Realized Capital Gain transaction that was automagically created in the
Lot Viewer.  They look like this:

 Exp:Commiss: Dr26.63
 Ass:ABCFund: -0.375shrs at 71.0144 Cr26.63

 Ass:ABCFund: Dr2.70
 Rev:CapGain: Cr2.70

Somehow, though, on the Balance Sheet dated 12 June, I've introduced a
difference of $4.73. 

The value of the fund in the 12 June Balance Sheet is 13307.64.  I'm not
sure how that was calculated, though.  I would have thought that it
would be 13326.84 - 26.63 + 2.70 = 13302.91

Interestingly, the difference between 13307.64 and 13302.91 is $4.73

Where is the valuation of that fund coming from?  How is it figuring out
the after-sale-average-cost?  There are no priceDB entries for the fund.
The Balance Sheet is using "Weighted Average" for commodity valuation.

Can anyone help me work this out?

With thanks,


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