Unable to add a stock sale with cap gain as per concept guide

Dinesh G Dutt ddutt at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 13 04:33:19 EST 2007


First off, thanks much for this software. I'm finally
able to track my finances on Linux without resorting
to something like Quicken on Wine. 

I've been able to setup all my accounts including
online banking after some initial hiccups. As per the
concept guide page on selling stocks with a profit,
I've setup the following a/cs:

     Brokerage A/C
       Bond Fund
         Fund A

    Fund A
  Cap Gains - Long Term
    Fund A

I purchased a 1000 shares of fund A at $9.00 and am
selling it at $10.00. I'd like to record the profit as
cap gains. I followed the example in the concept guide
but the difficulty happens when I attempt to list the
profit as a total buy. Gnucash doesn't accept the
entry balancing the cap gains entry with 0 shares and
at 0 price. It insists on converting the purchase into
n shares priced at $1 and this messes up the number of
shares in the a/c among other things. 

What am I doing wrong ? Here is the transaction
Date     Description  Tot Shares Price Tot Buy Tot
1/1/2007 Fund A       -1000                    1000
         A:I:B                         9990.0
         E:C                             10.0
         Imbalance                     1000.0
         I:CG:Fnd A                             1000
         A:I:B        -1000      10            10000

I'm unable to convert the Imbalance into a
Assets:Inv:Brok:Bond:Fnd A entry without causing the
number of shares to go to 1000 with a price of 1.

I'm running 2.0.4 on Edgy Ubuntu.



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