cleared transactions and reconcile window (again)

Ethy H. Brito ethy.brito at
Tue Jan 16 18:32:17 EST 2007

On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 18:25:36 -0500
Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:

> Quoting Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>:
> >> I believe you. As I asked above: How do I check this outside gnucash?
> >
> > gconf-editor?
> In particular, apps -> gnucash -> dialogs -> reconcile
> What does "check_cleared" say?

I am stucked one step before that: I do not have gconf-editor.

I'll look up the internet to find it. 

But I can do this:

bash-3.00$ cd .gconf
bash-3.00$ find . -exec grep check_cleared {} \; -print
        <entry name="check_cleared" mtime="1167351422" type="bool"

Is that what you expected?

> -derek


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