QIF import duplicate question

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 25 14:08:59 EST 2007

FYI, I just tested this with 2.0 and when you load the two QIF files
separately (as two different imports) it properly suggests that the
second transaction is a duplicate match for the first.  So if you actually
mark is as a duplicate you wont get it twice.


Quoting "James A. de Haseth" <jdehaseth at snappydsl.net>:

> I am having a bit of trouble with duplicate entries in an import from
> QIF files.  In the old app, which was quasi double-book accounting, I
> could pay a credit card from my checking account, so the checking
> account may have a QIF entry:
> D01/01/2006
> N101
> Cx
> T-100.00
> LLiability:Credit Cards:VISA
> and an appropriate record is created in the checking account and a
> payment is created in the VISA account.
> On the other hand the VISA QIF has an entry:
> D01/01/2006
> NPayment
> Cx
> T100.00
> LAssets:Current Assets:Checking
> so, a record is created in the VISA and checking accounts.
> The first QIF entry creates 101 for the check number in both accounts,
> which makes no sense in the VISA register, and the second one creates
> Payment records in both accounts, which makes no sense in the Checking
> account.
> The duplicate record clear does nothing to fix this.  If I delete the
> bad record in the respective accounts (very tedious for umpteen accounts
> and 10 yrs of data!) the right records are not linked.  Only the
> original records in the primary account (101 in Checking and Payment in
> VISA) are reconciled.
> Clearly I'm missing something.  Is there a way out of this mess? I'd
> like to retain linkage between the records and avoid duplicates.
> (BTW I'm using GC 2.0.4, built on Fedora Core 5.)
> Many thanks,
> Jim
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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