Virtual accounts?

Doug Latornell doug at
Tue Jan 23 20:35:22 EST 2007

I use future transactions similarly to what David describes to help me plan
cashflow.  I get the current balance of accounts with virtual sub-accounts
in GC2 with the help of an Account Summary report.  Select the account(s)
and subs you're interested in, and set Parent Account Balances (on Display
tab) to Subtotals.  I set the report name to Bank Balances, saved it, and
left it open, so it updates every time I start GC.  Hit the reload button to
update it after imports or transaction entries.


On 1/23/07, David Brown <gnucash at> wrote:
> Maf. King wrote:
> > As Dave pointed out, the balance of the parent account register
> doesn't match
> > the bank's idea of how much money I have, however, the account tree
> window
> > does show that total balance of (A:S + A:S:pot1 + A:S:pot2)
> Only if you don't have any future transactions entered into any of the
> accounts.  I regularly have 3-12 months worth of speculative transactions
> entered, especially into the savings accounts, and I couldn't figure out a
> way to even get today's balance out of it.
> I think what I'm doing differently than most people is entering the
> speculative transactions.  As the time approaches, I tune them more
> accuratly, but it is more useful to me to get an idea of what is happening
> to my money than bugets.  The problem is that the bugets aren't really
> associated with the register.  If I know I have to pay insurance in
> November, I enter it in.  Even if the amount has to be adjusted, at least
> the bill won't be unexpected.
> Dave
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