enforce explicit double entry?

Alan Su su.alan at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 17:22:00 EST 2007

Hi all,

i've done a test run transitioning from Quicken on Windows to gnucash
on Mac, and for the most part (at least for the stuff i do), i like
everything at least as well in gnucash as i did in Quicken.  the
biggest exception is the way gnucash deals with entries that are not
in debit/credit balance.  I find that it's too easy to enter a
transaction that creates an "Imbalance-USD" or an "Orphan-USD"
account!  i'd prefer that gnucash at least prompt me when it's going
to create such an account and give me an opportunity to balance the
transaction before it hits the books.  however, i couldn't find any
option to either prohibit unbalanced transactions or to warn before
creating an imbalance.  am i mistaken?



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