Crash on Quick-Fill

Ariel asgnucash at
Mon Jan 29 19:13:45 EST 2007

On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, Derek Atkins wrote:

> Weird.  I know Debian has had 2.0.4 out for a while...  I know Debian
> has a 2.0.4 package.

Are you sure? Because I can't find it:

Debian doesn't even have 2.0.3, and I had to roll my own (which was 
trivially easy BTW).

If you want to compile it yourself do this:

cd to some working directory (I suggest /usr/local/src/)

apt-get build-dep gnucash
apt-get source gnucash
mv gnucash-2.0.4.tar.gz gnucash_2.0.4.orig.tar.gz
tar xzf gnucash_2.0.4.orig.tar.gz
cp -R gnucash-2.0.2/debian/ gnucash-2.0.4/
cd gnucash-2.0.4
dch -v 2.0.4 "New upstream release."
cd ..

Then install the .deb's that are created:
dpkg -i gnucash_2.0.4_i386.deb gnucash-common_2.0.4_all.deb

Note that it compiled without errors, but I haven't actually installed it 
yet (still on 2.0.3 for now).

However assuming no new files (scheme code, etc) were included with 2.0.4 
vs 2.0.2 it will work fine.


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