Class accounting?

Josh Sled jsled at
Mon Jul 2 18:18:56 EDT 2007

Jeff Wiegley <jeffw at> writes:
> What I've been wanting to do for a while is to account
> for what get's spent on each individual project better.
> If I think about like food...

My weekly groceries transactions usually look like:

Liabilities:Credit Card:Bank of Example          $100
Expenses:Food:Groceries                          $ 72
Expenses:Pet:Food                                $ 12
Expenses:Health & Beauty                         $  3
Expenses:Housewares                              $  7

> I want to track project "food". I make vendor accounts for
> all my grocery stores and I organize them under a tree

Why do you care to track the expenses by store?

But, yes, GnuCash only makes it easy to account for one thing at a time.  We
suggest by expense category ("project").

...jsled - a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}
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